Friday, September 23, 2016

Full Body HIIT Workout formerly known as Calisthenics

Have you ever noticed that your HIIT workout is made up of all those exercises you did in PE Class as a kid that your teacher called Calisthenics? It shouldn't be surprising since calisthenics are exercises done using just your body weight.

Today my full body workout basically had all the staple calisthenic moves:

Circuit 1: squats, burpees, toe taps, jump rope

Circuit 2: lunge jumps, sumo squats, push ups, straight leg sit ups

I must talk about my workout. 1) The burpees went smoothly the first time through the circuits. The second time, my quads were so tired! 2) I really, really dislike lunge jumps. 3) I totally killed the push ups today!! I'm so proud of myself. 4) I'm excited that I completed all of the workouts for the week ---> three resistance HIIT workouts and three cardio workouts.

I love that the Sweat with Kayla workouts come with a cool down guided stretch session. Now if I could just make that nasty stinger in my heel go away so I could enjoy the stretching more.

The stretch session reminds me to go right to the foam roller and work on those tight spots.


mrC made us breakfast after my morning workout.

I had leftover BBQ chicken for lunch.

Still loving some delicious watermelon.

We made dinner for mrC's parents again: grilled cheeseburgers, steamed broccoli and sweet potato fries.

Tomorrow we are heading to Boston for the day and going to a soccer game.

Did you get a workout in today? Any calisthenics?
Have any big plans for the weekend?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Recovery Day: Stretch and Soothe

My sister-in-law's patio area looked like the perfect place to start my recovery day. After yesterday's resistance workout, my muscles needed little TLC.

I took my 30 Days of Yoga with Adriene video outside with me, eager to enjoy the comfortable morning and cozy space.

It didn't take long for the sun to break the tree line and on the first day of autumn, it was so warm! So warm in fact, that I had to take my session inside (I might have been a tad over-dressed) to finish. Today's video was all about stretching and soothing the body by releasing the tightness in the muscles.

What I'm wearing: Athleta Fastest Track Tank and Trekkie Joggers

Even though I was in recovery mode, I still did day 3 of my ab carving plan. I don't know if I should do these before or after yoga. It's like the question of running before strength or strength before running. Does anyone know the answer??

During my foam rolling session I spent extra time on my calf muscles. I've got a spot on my heel that fires up when I stretch, similar to the one I had in my right heel that I think was caused by a knot in my calf. I think the cause of the new knot is the jumping exercises in my lower body resistance workouts. I just want to make it go away.

The rest of the afternoon was spent helping mrC's nephew get on the road to his new home in Charleston, SC. He recently graduated from the Naval Academy and is off to start his on-the-job training.

What I ate today:

Today I started the 30 day probiotics trial that I mentioned here. I'm going to track how I feel (some people see a difference in just a few days) and share the results here on the blog.

Ab carver...before or after yoga?
Do you think I need a massage to help my heel pain?
Are you a probiotics user?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Todays Menu: Leg Workout + WIAW

It was a perfect morning to get outside for a little HIIT leg workout.

PS: I'm thinking about getting another pair of these amazing flip flops
because they really do feel like I'm walking on a yoga mat. But what color???

Just kidding! That photo is from later in the day because it was a patio kind of day.

Back to that workout --->

On the menu today was lower body resistance and even though my legs were still feeling sore from the last time, I shrugged my shoulders and pressed the start button. My legs felt pretty good during the workout, but it was another tough one.

Two circuits. Four exercises. 7 minutes. 30 seconds rest between circuits. Complete each circuit 2X. 10 minute cool down stretch.

Circuit 1: medicine ball squats, static lunges, jump rope, knee ups
Circuit 2: squats jumps, walking lunges, burpees, weighted step ups

The best - everything was working on squat jumps today. I was feeling powerful, my legs were strong and my knee was happy.

The worst - not a fan of lunges and today it was doubled with two types: 15 static on each side and 24 walking (12 on each side). BTW, that smile is so fake.

Bonus workout --> stair repeats (I was really doing laundry) plus an afternoon walk with mrC added another 1.4 miles to our weekly total.

What I Ate Wednesday:

What was on your menu today?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Yoga Makes My Sore Muscles Feel Better

I don't know why I waited so long to get out a yoga mat to help ease the sore muscles I have accrued the last couple of days doing resistance workouts. Yoga always makes my sore muscles feel better.

I chose a Yoga with Adriene video that I hadn't done before but sounded good from her Yoga For Weight Loss series. "Love Yoga Flow" was just what I needed and I love Flow.

I also did day 3 of my 21 Day Ab Carving workout plan. This plan should really be called the "OMG my arms and abs are on fire!" plan. Wow.

Later, I pulled out the foam roller and worked on my sore legs a little more. The new fitness app I've been using has a recovery section, so I selected lower body and followed the guided session (approximately 30 minutes). It's like having my own personal trainer.

The sun finally came back out and the temperature was perfect, so mrC and I went for a walk. All of my walks take me to or past this historic family run farm-stand just 7/10 mile from my SIL's house. They have an in-house bakery, homemade ice cream, seasonal local produce, organic coffee and fresh baked pies. One of these days I'm going to give in and buy a donut!

And just because it's too cute not to share...mrC and his sister's dog. I think she's falling for us ;)

What is your favorite way to get rid of sore muscles?
Any temptations along your walking/running route?

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Two Part Workout: HIIT and LISS

The day started off rainy today, so we ran some errands hoping that the rain would pass. While we were out, we picked up a little something to take back to China with us and I'm so excited! It's the same resistance band system that I talked about here.

Today my goal was to do my workout in two parts: HIIT (high intensity interval training) followed by LISS (low intensity sustained state). I read this article and according to Jake Peterson, '"The HIIT style of training is great at breaking up the triglyceride bonds within more stubborn adipose tissue (the hard-to-burn fat), but it is not very effective at metabolizing it out."' LISS workouts are good for that.

Today's workout

Part 1 HIIT: Sweat with Kayla arms and abs resistance workout. This workout was SO HARD! It was wet outside from the rain, so I had to do it indoors and my SIL does not have AC (yikes!), but the exercises were also seriously tough too. The ones that I struggled on were: 15 regular push ups, 4 mountain climbers and 1 push up repeated 15 times, and up down planks - 10 on each side!! It was hard enough to do them just once, but you have to repeat the exercises until the circuit is over. Let's just say there were lots of breaks!

It started raining again, so I killed some time with a post workout smoothie in a brand new smoothie cup. I'm one of the weird people who need to drink smoothies through a straw.

Part 2 LISS: A couple hours later the rain finally stopped so that I could take a 40 minute walk for my LISS workout. My goal was to beat my previous distance, so I focused on keeping up my pace although I did stop to admire one of the first fall leaves. Total distance 2.51 miles (.40 more).

This little girl pretended to be happy to see me when I got back. She's the sweetest.

Do you combine different types of workouts?
Smoothies: straw or no straw?
