Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#DishtheFit: What's Next? Goals for 2015

Today I'm linking up with Jill Conyers and Jessica for Tuesdays #DishtheFit and today's topic is:

What's next? Goals for 2015.

Honestly, it is hard to think about 2015 while I'm sitting here with ice on my knee and crutches by my side.

It seemed best to start by looking back at my Bucket List for 2014 for a little recap of my year. My goal to hit 1000 miles was curtailed by all of my injuries. I ran at least 2 new races during 2014: the TI Disco Fever 10K and the Ragnar Relay Cape Cod. Although I did not add another state to my places I have raced list, I did run a lot of miles in Vermont! Two new activities that I tried were Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Zip Lining. Sadly I was closed out of the coaching certification class, but I continued to make healthy food choices and fell in love with smoothies!

It didn't take long for the little walk down memory lane to get me thinking. What is next for me?

Rehab my knee - My first priority is to get back into my running shoes. My goal is to be logging miles by the end of January.

Build my overall strength - I want to take at least one cross training class every week and focus on my upper body strength so I'll be a better runner.

Volunteer at another race - I did this with MRTT at the GOTR Fall 5K and it was so amazing to be part of such a big day for so many runners. I'd love to volunteer at the Boston Marathon (fingers crossed).

Just run - That's it. No worries about distance, pace, or PRs. More group runs, more fun runs, more family runs.

Be the BEST Ambassador - It will be my mission to spread my love of running wherever I can: the high school Run Club, a National Running Day event,  ZOOMA Cape Cod in September. (see discount on my sidebar!)

What's next for you? 
Any big plans in 2015?

I've also added this post to the Tuesdays on the Run link up!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fitness Friday: Stand Up Paddle-boarding

At the beginning of the summer I put Stand Up Paddle-boarding on my summer-to-do list (here) and last week mrC and I headed to Hampton Beach to make it happen.

Since our appointment wasn't until 1PM, we decided to start our day at the beach with a 3 mile run. I could run everyday looking at views like this.

After having lunch and relaxing at the beach, we walked over to Hampton Parasail and Stand Up Paddle. The business operates out of a small building on the harbor across from the beach.

After checking in, we picked out life vests, prepped the boards, and then carted them to the cove where we would spend our one hour lesson.

The one hour lesson began right away. We put the boards in the shallow water and climbed on getting into a kneeling position first. After a couple of minutes using the paddles, our instructor guided us into the standing position. She showed us how to manage the waves and use the paddles to make a turn. She also had us practice kneeling down and standing back up in the deeper water. We followed her around the cove and on a little adventure under a couple of piers.

Then we were on our own.

Besides being super fun, Stand Up Paddle-boarding is a great workout:

Arms - carting the boards to the beach, paddling
Core - balancing on the board, paddling
Legs - squats while going under the piers

I'm confident that all our urban surfing at SurfSet classes (see my review here) helped us with our balance on the boards.

What do you think about Stand Up Paddle-boarding?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: New Perspectives

In the classroom, I talk to my students about perspectives a lot. It's a prominent theme in several books we read throughout the year and it encourages them to look beyond the surface to consider points that they hadn't thought of before.

I've also talked about perspectives in fitness. What might be easy for some is hard for others. An injury makes you reflect on your goals. You get the idea.

This year I wanted to continue to broaden my perspective, so I set a goal to try more new activities.

On Sunday I joined the Blog & Tweet NH group at New Perspectives Pole and Aerial in Manchester to try the new fitness trend for first time: Pole Fitness

Pole Fitness combines dance and acrobatic moves to create a fun workout that builds strength and flexibility. It involves moves such as spins, climbs, slides, and inversions.

The owner and our instructor Juel is a retired gymnast and certified strength and conditioning coach. In addition to instructing, she also competes professionally!

After some floor warm-ups, our Intro to Pole class started to get up close and personal with the POLE.

Even though Juel did an outstanding job showing us how to do the individual beginner moves, it was the toughest thing I've ever tried. I've never been known for my upper body strength, but it was obvious that the rest of my body is lacking power also.

When I signed up to attend this event, I was expecting to feel awkward during the dance-like portions, but I was ready to push myself out of my comfort zone. I was ready for it to be hard, but willing to try.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though I'm not the strongest girl, I was still able to do most of the moves. It was also a relief to feel a sense of encouragement from the instructor and the other ladies in the class.

I don't know when I will be back for more Pole Fitness, but I will be back!

If you're thinking about checking out Pole Fitness, follow New Perspectives on Facebook for information about the upcoming Open House.

Have you tried Pole Fitness? 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My 2014 Bucket List

Welcome to 2014!

When putting together my goals for the new year, I started by looking at the past. I can't change what did or didn't happen, but I can look forward and focus on new achievements I'd like to make.

So after thinking long and hard, here are my 2014 goals:

Keep running - Am I crazy to go chasing 1000 again?? I'm pretty sure I learned my lesson about listening to my body, so I'm ready to set my sights on that evasive number again.

Run at least 2 new races - This year I'll be joining Team Too Vicious and Delicious for  Reach The Beach MA in May. I have a couple of other new races on my list of possibilities, but nothing definite yet.

Complete a race in a new state - I'd love to find a race to do while in Florida over February vacation, but it's hard when I won't be there on a weekend. My other options include Vermont or Connecticut.

Try at least 2 new fitness activities - Through my membership in Blog & Tweet NH, I found and fell in love with SurfSet and Booty Barre classes. I still want to try Stand Up Paddle Boarding and maybe even Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga.

Get coaching certification - I'm hoping to connect with other New Englanders to earn my coaching certification through an RRCA course in the Spring.

Make healthy food choices - When I gave up wheat, I began to really learn about food, started following WIAW, and discovered quinoa. I love finding new ways to use it, especially in old recipes. Here's an easy recipe where I swapped out macaroni to make cheesy tuna quinoa:

What's on your 2014 bucket list?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fitness Friday: #GoalGetter2013 September Review

How do I feel about September? Meh. Here's why:

1. I didn't run

2. I had to DNS another race

3. I volunteered at a race I was supposed to run

4. I almost did 50 squats a day for 30 days

5. I did a TON of strength training

I'm ready to move on. Ready to get back in my running shoes. Ready to log some miles. Ready to be injury-free.

What are you ready for?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fitness Friday: #GoalGetter 2013 May Update

Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that it is already June. I wish I could say that it was summer vacation already too (like my Ohio peeps!), but that will not come until the end of the month (thanks to all those hurricane/snow days).

For now I will happily say goodbye to the month of May, although I did have some seriously fun adventures.

Here's a look back at some memorable moments and my running goals:

I started the month with a crazy, unexpected two day trip to Atlanta courtesy of Mizuno to participate in the Mezamashii Run Project. The project launched this month, but my role in it has yet to be revealed. Stay tuned!

Immediately following my trip to Atlanta, I headed to Cincinnati to get a quick family visit and run the Flying Pig Half Marathon with mr C. I wasn't into running when I lived in Ohio the way I am now, so this was my first time running this race. It was one of the best race weekends I've ever experienced. 

I began working on a sponsored campaign with Under Armour and FitFluential. What's Beautiful is a competition that focuses on inspiring women to set goals and conquer them together. My goal is to work on adding up the miles to reach my running goal for the year. May was not my best month with 56.76 miles, but I'm not giving up on hitting 1000 for the year. 

Another one of my goals for the year is to improve my overall core strength, so I jumped at the chance to try SurfSet at TI Fitness Training in Manchester with New Hampshire Bloggers & Tweeters. This all-in-one workout was the hardest thing I've done in a long time, but so fun I went back for more! This is going to be my summer core workout plan. 

Even though May was filled with amazing running adventures, I'm disappointed that I didn't meet my monthly mileage goal to keep me on track to reach 1000 for the year. What's Beautiful is that I will keep pushing through the obstacles. I will not give up.

How was your May? Any achievements or setbacks?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fitness Friday: #GoalGetter2013 March Update

It seemed like good time to stop and look at how I'm doing on my goals for the year. With the help of the #GoalGetter2013 challenge I can find extra motivation to stay on track.

Goal #1- PR Half marathon - done

Goal #2 - Run in NYC - done

Goal #3 - Host a fun run - I had hoped to pull my running friends together for a nice 5K in honor of the Sandy Hook families, but it just didn't happen. 

Goal #4 - Run 1000 miles - 257.36 through March! Only 742.64 to go. That's about 82 miles a month, eek!

Goal #5 - Do strength exercises consistently - total fail. Not even a picture to share. April will be my turn around month. Pinky promise!

Tell me about your goal successes/failures.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fitness Friday: New Year, New Goals

It's that time of year again: time to reflect, assess, and set new goals. 

But first, I made a list of some of my favorite running moments from 2012:

1. Earning a half marathon PR 1:57:51

2. Running another half marathon with my husband
3. Serving as a ZOOMA ambassador
4. Meeting and running with Joan Benoit Samuelson
5. Participating in my first relay RTB:NH
6. Finishing 6 half marathons!
7. Running and races with my step daughters.

It's been a year full of amazing running experiences, but did I meet my goals? Time for a little 2012 analysis:

1. Keep running!! - I ran more than 850 miles this year!
2. Run a race every month (at least one) - I ran a race every month - 19 total
3. Continue to improve my blog - Completely biased, but I think it's #1
4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run - I ran a couple of races in Massachusetts this year
5. Keep meeting new running friends - I'm so lucky to have met so many amazing people this year. I'm looking forward to many more runs with all of you!

Looking back on my highlights and goals reminds me that every accomplishment begins with the decision to try. So, here are my 2013 goals:

1. Set a new half marathon PR
2. Run in NYC 
3. Host a fun run
4. Run 1000 miles
5. Do strength exercises consistently

What do your goals look like?

Monday, September 3, 2012

TrainingTruths: Workouts & August Review

The last week of August was focused on getting ready for my first Reach The Beach Relay and enjoying the last of my weekday morning runs since school is starting this week. Although I am regretfully saying good-bye to summer, I am excited about the new running adventures I have coming up this month.

#TrainingTruth: Sometimes poor fueling and pushing too hard on a run catch up to me on a humid day.

#TrainingTruth: My RTB Cyclops head lamp made my first night run a success.

#TrainingTruth: My legs do not like running on loose gravel roads, but they love Zensah compression socks. 

#TrainingTruth: Running with a BPM playlist from Rock My Run helped me maintain my pace on a solo run.

2012 Goal Maintenance - August review: 

1. Keep running

2. Run a race a month

3. Continue to improve the blog 

4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run 

5. Keep meeting new running friends

#TrainingTruths is not just about me. We all like to see what everyone else is doing and use that information to assess ourselves. It's not judgement. It's a way to share and learn and make changes when necessary.

To participate all you have to do is share your #TrainingTruths:
  1. Tag a Twitter post with the hashtag #TrainingTruths
  2. Comment on the Running Escapades Facebook page 
  3. Leave a link to your own blog post in the comments
I look forward to reading your #TrainingTruths!

Don't forget to enter my MUST HAVEs GIVEAWAY. Today is the last day. 
Winners will be selected randomly tomorrow!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Find Your Greatness

In the blink of an eye the months of June & July have flown by.

Today, I am looking back at the goals I set for myself for 2012:

  1. Keep running!! - In June I ran 58.05 miles and in July 76.59. 
  2. Run a race every month (at least one) In June I was supposed to run 3 races, but I only ran two. I opted not to run a 5k because of torrential rain. If I had to do it over, I would go to the race anyway. In July I did three runs: two were fun runs (mud & color) and one was a 5k.
  3. Continue to improve my blog In July I became a Sweat Pink Ambassador for Fit Approach and a Cape Cod Ambassador for the ZOOMA Women's Race Series. I wrote some guest posts for FitFluential, ZOOMA, and fellow FitFluential Ambassadors. 
  4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run Although I traveled to Ohio and ran a race while I was there, I have not added a new state to my list yet. 
  5. Keep meeting new running friends I met some other New England runners who also blog and ran some of the same races together.

In the midst of all this, I have found greatness.

The running community is packed with amazing people. People who want to push themselves, have a good time, and support you in any way that they can.

There are extraordinary people working hard to put together some incredible race experiences for runners. Whether you are a new runner or a seasoned runner, the people behind the scenes want you to have a great time running.

Companies are designing sensational gear for runners and getting runners involved in spreading the word. From water bottles to running shoes I have been astonished by the relationships I see being built.

As for myself, I'm feeling pretty marvelous about the amount of miles I've been posting. I can finish runs that I would have avoided a year ago and sometimes I'm even taking the lead.

Where do you find greatness?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Goal Maintenance 101

June 1 - Most of us set goals for ourselves at the start of the new year. I am no different. How can we ensure successful completion of the goals that we set?

1. Check Progress: To be successful at achieving our goals, we must take time to reflect. We should not only decide what we want to achieve, but also determine a plan for assessing our progress. Every day? Once a week? Monthly? Find what works for the type of goals you have set.

2. Big versus Small: Many of us set large goals for ourselves: i.e. "run a marathon." This is good, but by making smaller sub-goals we are more likely to see the results we want. A sub-goal to "run a marathon" might be "run a half marathon."

3. Adjust: If you find that a goal you set for yourself feels out of reach, change it up. Extend the end date. Reduce the total miles. Tweak the goal pace. Making accommodations is better than giving up.

In January, I wrote about my goals for the year, and although I think I have been keeping up with them, I haven't assessed my progress since the end of February. Yikes!

No time like the present:

1. Keep Running: Although my miles have decreased as I struggle to get through my calf issue, I have maintained a fair amount of miles for March, April, and May.

2. Run a Race every Month: This goal has been fun to keep. Sometimes I even ran more than one race because so many of them sounded fun.

3. Continue to improve my blog: Running Escapades was nominated for Fitness Magazine's Fiteratti Award, featured on Fitblogger, and nominated for a One Lovely Blog Award.

4. Add another New England state to the list of places I have run: Not until August...

5. Keep meeting new running friends: Met up with some FFAs at the Saucony Find Your Strong Event and another Rhode Scholar Blogging Ambassador in Providence.

How do you make sure you keep your goals?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

February Follow Up

March 3 - Already another month of running has elapsed and it is time to assess the progress of my running goals.

1. Keep running: I ran 80.82 miles this month! My 2012 total = 173.26. That's 72.91 more miles than this time last year.

2. Run a race every month: I ran TWO races. I'm really liking the half marathon distance and looking forward to my next one in May at the Cox Rhode Races in Providence, RI.

8 miles on February 11

Half at the Hamptons - February 19

3. Improve the blog: Running Escapades on Facebook now has 25 likes! 

4. Add another New England state to the places I have run: Nothing new this month. Still searching for something in VT, ME, or CT! Let me know if you have any recommendations, especially for the summer.


5.  Keep meeting new running friends: I was lucky enough to hang out with some other running bloggers, FitFluential Ambassadors, and a fellow Rhode Scholar after running the half marathon. (photo shared by Samantha)

6. Another impromptu workout challenge: I completed the FAB AB FEBRUARY challenge from Pinterest! Sit ups, push ups, and planks all month long. I highly recommend these workouts for anyone who is like me and not typically a fan of working out. 

What did your February look like?
