Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Practice Better Running Breathing

I'm pretty sure that running and biking a 10K on Tuesday inspired mrC.

Yesterday, he put on his running shoes and joined me for my #runstreak one miler. 

Before our run, I came across an online article about proper running breathing (here) and it got me thinking. There are times when I run that it feels effortless and other times when I can't seem to do anything except gasp for air. 

Here's the article in a nutshell:

1. Runs are made better when using breathing patterns and patterns can help prevent injury
2. Deep breathing is a powerful tool that delivers much needed oxygen to muscles during a run
3. Breathing is made better through nose and mouth simultaneously
4. Core strength impacts breathing

On my last two runs, I tried it and it's not as easy as it sounds. 

Run #1:
It was a short run and I ran with mrC, so it was hard to maintain a rhythmic pattern. I tried to follow the 2:2 inhale/exhale ratio, but that must work for faster runners. I modified to 4:4 and started to get the hang of it near the end of our mile. I also tried to keep my exhale on my left foot (my weaker leg), but learned my right foot has control issues.

Run #2:
This run was solo and my breathing practice went much better. I still found myself breaking the pattern anytime my mind wandered, but it was easier. The longer run gave me a lot more time to focus on exhaling on my left too. Overall, the 3.5 miles felt easier than my 5K on Tuesday.

I'm optimistic that with more practice it will get easier and my runs will get better.

In other fun news, after wanting to throw-down my bike and stomp it like a pro-wrestler after Tuesday's combined run/bike 10K, mrC offered to take it for a little tune up. Instead he came back with a new bike! Today I took my new luxury bike on a ride around town.

Last night we went to see Chris Botti perform at the the Shenzhen Concert Hall. It was a wonderful show. Not only was the music great, but we were impressed with Chris Botti's interaction with the audience. 

Do you practice rhythmic breathing when you run?
What was the last concert you went to?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Let's Call it, 10K Tuesday!

Tuesday is a regular run day for me. Instead of heading out while mrC was still sleeping, I waited until he woke up and invited him on a little 10K adventure to mark day 10 of my run streak.

First we rode our bikes to Shenzhen Bay Park. My bike has one gear and that one gear is tight and squeaky. Normally I enjoy my bike rides, but today I couldn't wait to get off and run.

After locking my bike and putting my gear in mrC's basket, I set out in my Mizuno Wave Rider 18s and he set out on his bike. He rode next to me for a little while.

And he played paparazzi leap frog, getting in front and behind me.

He kept me company all the way to the end of my 5K run.

After some stretching and water, we rode home to finish our 5K round trip bike ride.

I'm pretty lucky to have a guy like mrC. He indulges my need to run and get outside and then lets me play on the computer while he makes me breakfast. He's the best photographer too!

Do you like non-running company while you run?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Motivation Monday: Seize the Day

I learned today that walking around our tile apartment barefoot might be causing some of my heel pain. I'll just have to spend more time in my Oofos!

That little twinge of heel pain reminded me that injuries are sometimes right around the corner threatening to mess up my fitness plans. As I slipped on my running shoes, I vowed to myself to embrace each moment of my #runstreak. I'm following my doctor's recommendations. I'm running smart. I need to stop worrying.

After my one mile run, I met up with the SWIC hiking group. Today was a great day for climbing the mountain.

Normally after we get to the top and take a group photo we head down to complete the short loop. Today a small group wanted to keep going and do the long loop. I've only done the longer loop once back in May. I didn't have any reason not to join them, so I figured CARPE DIEM!

It was hard. We had already climbed 850 steps and then we kept climbing across the top of the mountain before coming down further away from where we started.

In the end, of course, I had no regrets. Great exercise and great company!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Where I Run: Mermaid Peninsula Loop

No matter where I have lived, I have always had one route that served as my no-planning-just-lace-up-my-shoes-and-go route.

After just 4 months of living in China, I have already found my go-to route. I call it the Mermaid-Peninsula Loop.

My go-to route starts outside the entrance of our apartment complex: Rose Garden.

I follow the sidewalk to the west toward the area of town called Sea World.

Run along the length of the waterfront.

After the quick out and back on the waterfront, I head back toward the street via the garden view.

I pass by the mermaid statue of Goddess Nuwa and run some steps.

I follow the sidewalk again all the way past the starting point.

At the area of town called Peninsula, I head toward the lighthouse.

I loop around Peninsula and follow the sidewalk back to Rose Garden to hop on the waterfront there.

What I like about this route:

1. It's a double out and back so if I need to stop or use my bathroom, it's an easy pitstop.
2. It has loops on each end that can be modified in ways to make the run a little longer or shorter.
3. It's mainly flat, easy running.
4. There are water views from three different locations.

I ran this route this morning. The weather has finally turned (I hope) from tropical to fall, perfect weather for running. I felt good and was happy to see negative splits in my results.

Do you have a go-to route?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Running, Tennis Balls, and Random Saturday Stuff

This was on my daily quote app the other day and now that I'm doing a run streak it seems to apply to me.

I was strong today. Granted I only ran one mile. I say only, but then realize that I have already run 17 miles this month. I have run every day for 7 days. And, I'm being smart. I'm running every day, but only a mile or two on what used to be my non-running days.

After my run, mrC made me my favorite breakfast: cheesy scrambled eggs with ham and pb&j apple cinnamon rice cake. Today the jelly came all the way from France (perks of being married to a pilot) and it was really good!

With all these new miles I've been putting on my feet, it was time for some pampering. It wasn't hard to convince mrC to get a pedicure with me considering there are so many benefits: good foot health, releases stress, prevents in-grown toe nails. Even without polish, his feet look good.

We stopped for lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. We love this place, but they serve a ridiculously small amount of salsa and chips. While we were out, we ran some errands: stop and buy grapes from a street vendor, pick out gluten free products at the international store, and hunt down frame maker shops.

Back at home, I dug out my tennis ball for a little at-home-PT. I read this article on treating plantar fasciitis that explains the best treatment focuses on the fascia and releasing it. I don't know if I have PF, but I do know that I have tight calf muscles and pain in my heel.

The idea is to use your body weight to pin the fascia and then stretch it by pointing and flexing your foot. It's like DIY active release therapy. The challenge is finding the right spot. It takes some work.

Tomorrow is a run day. I'm hoping the weather stays in the low 70s like this morning.

Do the men in your life get pedis?
Have you ever tried DIY treatments?
