Showing posts with label GirlsGoneSporty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GirlsGoneSporty. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Training Truths: Paper Plates, Crooked Knee Caps and KT Tape!!

Yesterday I ran half marathon #11. More on that in my recap post later. Getting to the starting line was questionable when my knee turned cranky just two weeks out following a 10 mile training run. Last week was another week of trying to balance getting ready for the race while taking care of myself.

Monday - First day of slider step backs to work on strengthening and controlling my quad muscles. These exercises were recommended by a PT for runners suffering from chondromalacia and are better than squats because there is little to no pressure on the knee cap. I don't have gliders, but found that a paper plate works just fine.

Tuesday - Another snow day spent waiting for the snow. Normally I would have jumped at the chance for a morning run, but since I was saving my knee for the fun run on Friday and the half on Sunday, I took myself for a nice long walk followed up with some more slider step backs. 

Wednesday - During my monthly maintenance visit to the chiropractor, I mentioned my crunchy knee problems. Intrigued by my story, he checked it out and announced that my knee cap was literally crooked! So while I have been working on keeping my knee cap IN alignment, it was actually OUT of alignment and STUCK there! Ugh.

Thursday - After my unexpected "knee cap adjustment" I was feeling SO MUCH BETTER. Playing it safe, I kept to my strengthening routine and fought the urge to go for an afternoon run in the balmy 40+ degree weather.

Friday - After a delayed start due to freezing rain and a wild Winter Carnival assembly at school, mrC picked up my youngest stepdaughter and I and we headed to Newport for the Newport Night Run. The athletic trainer at school taped up my knee with KT Tape so I could give it a try during this fun 5K. It felt stable and there was no pain during or after the race.

Saturday - After getting home from a gorgeous sunny day spent walking around Newport, I did my slider step backs and iced my knee for the big half marathon on Sunday.

Sunday - Met up with my step daughter to run the Half at the Hamptons. It was far more challenging than the first time I ran it, but we went in with a plan and made it to the finish with no knee cap issues! (I ended up wearing mrC's knee brace because the KT Tape pretty much unravelled before Sunday morning)

Now, it's time to take a break to let the crooked knee recover. Fortunately it's February vacation and I'm heading to Florida to visit my dad and stepmom, so my recovery week will be spent in the swimming pool! See you when I get back to NH!

Do you take time off after a big race? 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Training Truths: My Knee is Crunchy??

After reading through all the very helpful comments last week (thank you!), I learned that I am probably suffering from a form of runner's knee or I'm just getting old! So, it was a week of resting and icing the creaky old knee, but I didn't skip working out altogether. My workouts were focused on strength or light cardio that didn't require a lot of knee bending. By the end of the week things were looking up.

Monday - I used my Gymboss interval timer to do my favorite ab workout and then some burpee intervals  430/1000

Tuesday - Another round of the ab workout and burpee intervals 484/1000

Wednesday - More burpee intervals although my knee started to not like these either  538/1000

Thursday - Spent the snow day icing my knee off and on. I did some (awkward) burpees and a short resistance band workout designed to build glute strength. All I heard was crunch, crunch! 580/1000

Friday - Every time I straightened my knee, it would crunch - painfully. So after school I spoke to the athletic trainer to get some advice: can I work my way through this or do I need to see a doctor? She thinks I'm possibly suffering from chondromalacia or arthritis: I have had two knee surgeries. She recommended icing, wearing a knee brace/getting taped, and continuing to train if it didn't hurt. At home I found this sport's medicine video online that describes the causes of chondromalacia and some treatment exercises.

Saturday - After deciding that one more day of TLC for my knee wouldn't hurt, I switched my workout gear from running shoes to a shovel and helped mrC shovel snow leftover from the plow guy.

Sunday - My only run of the week and my first run in the hand-me-down knee brace from mrC was a pain free 30 minutes. I haven't worn a knee brace since my last knee surgery over 20 years ago, but if it helps I'll do it.

This week, I will stick to the TLC approach as I get ready to run half marathon #11 on Sunday with my oldest step daughter.

Which do you prefer, wearing a brace or getting taped?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Fitness Friday: The Love Club

To celebrate the day of LOVE, here's a glimpse of what I've added to my list of loves lately.

Saucony Bullet Vegans - I've always wanted a pair of "cool" casual shoes. You know, the casual shoes that look good no matter what you are wearing. I spotted these Saucony Bullet Vegan's in the Athleta catalog and knew they were exactly what I was looking for. They're great with leggings, jeans, and fitness wear. I can wear them as an everyday shoe and during my indoor workouts. Score!

Nike Tech Fleece Hoodie V2 - mrC gave this to me for my birthday and even though I haven't taken it for a run yet, I love how comfy it is. It's definitely a great lightweight coverup to wear to and from SurfSet class.

Apera Yoga Tote - Apera sent me this gorgeous bag in Pearl and it is amazing! It has multiple storage for all my running gear and worked perfectly for SurfSet class. With all the room that it offers, it is not too big either.

Take a look at why I'll be taking my Apera bag as my carry-on the next time I travel!

This book: Running Like a Girl: Notes on Learning to Run - Author Alexandra Heminsley writes candidly about the process of becoming a runner. For those of us who have been running for awhile, it takes us down memory lane and brings back a renewed appreciation for the sport we love. For new runners, Heminsley tells the truth about the struggle, pain, and glory in going from "I can't run" to "I ran myself happy."

RunSaveRun - This is a new website where runners can find hundreds of coupons and discounts on all running related items. You can search for coupons by store, category, or race. Some favorites you'll probably recognize include Road Runner Sports,, and ZOOMA.

What's warming your heart today?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Training Truths: Tight IT Band and a Cranky Knee

My IT band has been tight after my last couple of long runs. After spending some time in my compression gear, it was still cranky and so was my knee.

So last week while I gave my legs a little break from running, I kept myself busy with my February challenges. My #mnbchallenge work kept me extra busy during the week, but I also kept the #30DayRagnarChallenge streak going by using #SweatADay exercises to work toward the #FFBURPEE goal of 1000.

Monday - 35 burpees 210/1000

Tuesday - 35 more burpees 245/1000

Wednesday - Ran 4 progression miles on the treadmill during the snowstorm.  I started off nice and slow ending with a comfortable 9ish pace. Even with the warmup and a good 20 minute post-run stretch the ITB/knee were not happy. Fortunately I did the 35 daily burpees earlier 280/1000

Thursday - Planks and 35 burpees 315/1000

Friday - Some of my favorite squats x25 each and 35 burpees 350/1000

Saturday - Spent the morning at SurfSet class with mrC. My knee was still feeling a little cranky during certain exercises (mostly squats), so I treated myself to a post workout smoothie and an ice pack. 35 burpees 385/1000

Sunday - Since running is not supposed to hurt, I decided to listen to my body and cancelled the long run. Instead I focused on core work...anything that would not aggravate my knee.

How do you feel about taking a break?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIAW: Quinoa Pizza Bake

Happy Hump (Snow) Day!

After taking my treadmill for a spin this morning, I will be baking up some quinoa for lunch.

This recipe started as Quinoa Pizza Bites (see original post here). Although I love the recipe, I don't always feel like filling all the mini muffin tins, so I decided to just bake the mix in one big pan. This saves time, but it is just as delicious.

It required about 10 more minutes of baking, but then it was time to cut and serve. It goes great with my favorite Cincinnati pizza sauce!

Are you snowed in today? What are you having for lunch?

Find more ideas at the WIAW link up!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Training Truths - Running Solo

In three weeks I will be running half marathon #11, which is going to feel awesome after a DNS at ZOOMA Cape Cod and my crazy finish of the BAA Half. This week I did all of my runs solo. I don't mind running alone, but I definitely prefer to have a partner. On the bright side, running on my own has helped me to focus on my running, especially paying attention to my effort.

Monday - After school I went for a sports massage. My left IT band is still tight and causing some pain along my left hip. Jeanie really knows how to get in there and work the muscles.

Tuesday - We had good 15 degree weather so I did my regular 4 mile loop. mrC and the dog played leap frog and Booney even got in a .25 mile sprint.

Wednesday - I joined the FitFluential #FFBURPEES Challenge to do 1000 burpees by February 28. After a little math, I calculated that if I do 35 burpees everyday, I will hit the goal before the deadline. I'm combining this with the #30DayRagnarChallenge. 35/1000

Thursday - It was nearly a heatwave around here with 26 degree temperatures after school, so I was able to do another 4 miler, out & back this time. Then I completed 35 driveway burpees. 70/1000

Friday - While making some blueberry protein bars I used my wait time to do 35 more burpees and some daily stretching. 105/1000

Saturday - We spent the morning at the beach watching my stepdaughter take her first Penguin Plunge as part of a fundraiser for the Special Olympics. Before heading out to my Ragnar Team dinner meeting I squeezed in another 35 burpees which also met the Under Armour February #SweatADay daily challenge. 140/1000

Sunday - I finally enjoyed a weather cooperative long run. This was my first solo 10 miler. Although I was uneasy about going out alone, it turned out ok. I struggled up our notoriously BIG hill, alternating between running and walking the 130' gain over a half mile, but it worked. After some bonding time with my compression gear, I did 35 single leg burpees. 175/1000

Here's a great warmup exercise video from Runner's World:

Do you like to work out on your own, with a partner, or in a group?

Friday, January 31, 2014

Fitness Friday: Team Too Vicious & Delicious

TGIF everyone!

This year I will be running The Ragnar Cape Cod Relay as a member of Team Too Vicious & Delicious. We were supposed to run Reach The Beach Massachusetts, but RTB merged with Ragnar and well, there you go!

Today I want to introduce you to our inspirational team captain Katherine.

Katherine and I at BAA Half Marathon Oct. 2013

I first met Katherine when I ran RTB NH in 2011 with Team One Track Minded.

Since then we've kept in touch, often running the same events both in NH and MA.

About Katherine: She is fitness certified – AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America), SPINNING®, Les Mills Body Pump - and is an instructor at a local health club.  She was first ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified at 17 years old and has been working in the fitness industry ever since… even charging faculty at her college $1/ aerobics class while attending Mt Holyoke. She's a wife to a runner husband and mom to 4 adorable kiddos.

And she has been putting her knowledge and experience to work on us! In November and December she created weekly challenges to motivate the team. She even gave out awards!

Katherine has been organizing not one, but two teams for the Ragnar Cape Cod Relay: Team Vicious & Delicious (which ran RTB MA in 2012) and the brand new Team Too Vicious & Delicious! All together, she is managing 22 runners from NH, MA, NY, CT, and MD, planning our legs, ordering our team shirts, setting up the team dinner, and trying to keep us motivated!

Who inspires you?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pin It Party #1

Welcome to my very first Pin It Party hosted by Lindsay. You can find me on Pinterest here.
A Pin It Party is a way for bloggers to show off their favorite posts and hopefully gain new readers! If you're a reader you can help by pinning images from posts and it is a great way to show support for the blogs you love.
Today I'd love to show you a little taste of what you can find here at Running Escapades: running, strength training, events, gear, and food! 
I hope you enjoy and if you're up for more reading, check out the linkup over at Lindsay's.

I keep track of my running with a weekly Training Truths posts. This is my way of keeping myself on track and accountable, even when I'm on vacation.

Training Truths: ZOOMA Week 4

30 Day Challenges are super popular and I was hooked when I found these:
Strength Training: 30 Day Challenges

I love running races and even though there are some that I would do over and over again, sometimes I pick races just because of the challenge.

BAA Half Marathon & Distance Medley Recap

I admit that I probably have a shoe problem, but I just can't say no to a new pair of shoes, or any fitness gear for that matter!

Review: Mizuno Wave Rider 17

Eating better took on a whole new meaning when I gave up wheat. Now I'm always on the lookout for gluten-free recipes and when I find a good one, I like to share.

WIAW: Gluten-Free Blueberry Protein Bars

Thanks for joining me in my first Pin It Party!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WIAW: Cheesy Tuna & Quinoa

As I continue on my gluten-free diet, I have noticed that I do not crave pasta anymore. I used to make a lot of meals that included some sort of pasta as one of the main ingredients, but lately they aren't the least bit appealing to me.

One of my favorite easy meals to make was tuna and macaroni. Literally I would make a box of mac-n-cheese and add two can of tuna. That's it. Easy and delicious. I used to make this all the time in college.

Now I can make it by substituting a couple of ingredients and it's just as good!

After cooking one cup of quinoa, add about 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese and mix.

Then mix in about two tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt followed by two cans of tuna.

That's it. This is a great recipe for a quick, but filling lunch option. I usually make it on Sunday and then take it to school for my lunch.

If you're not eating quinoa yet, take a look at this great article and this blog post detailing the benefits of this amazing super-food.

Oh yea, it's WIAW and I'm linking up with Jenn. Check out more recipes here:

What is your favorite quinoa recipe?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Training Truths: Braving the Winter

Braving the winter has been a little harder lately with the continued arctic blasts that have been descending on New England. I love to get outside and run in the fresh air, but single digit temperatures and little sunshine make it difficult.

Tuesday - It was barely 10 degrees on my drive home from school, so I decided to do my 4 miles on the treadmill.

Friday - I braved the cold temps and got in 4 miles outside. After being cooped up in the classroom all week, it felt good to get outside and stretch my legs on my easy regular loop. And I finished just as it was starting to get dark.

Saturday - SurfSet is easily my favorite non-running workout. I love the sweat, the challenging exercises, and the energy of these classes. Every class is different right down to the supplemental gear we use.

Saturday - After all the errands and housework were finished, mrC suggested we take the dog for a walk. Taking advantage of the one day heatwave of 30 degree weather, we hit the trail for a brisk 5K. My Athleta polartec tights were the perfect wardrobe choice, keeping my legs nice and warm.

Sunday - I knew the weather would be questionable, and while watching the news they showed a helpful windchill chart. After searching online, I found this one:

I like to run outside, but my rule is that I take it inside when the feels like temp is a negative number. Doing my long run on the treadmill is not ideal, but it's better than not running or getting sick. I took advantage of the ability to control my speed and kept this run at the correct long slow distance pace.

Has the frigid weather messed up your workout plans? How do you deal with it?

Don't forget to enter my Oofos recovery shoe giveaway!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Favorites & {a GIVEAWAY}

Happy Friday running friends!

It's time to share another round of Friday Favorites.

I've had my Nike GPS Sportwatch for about 5 years now, but just recently purchased the Polar Wearlink Heart Rate Monitor to link with it. The data nerd in me loves seeing how much effort I'm putting into my running.

Sometimes it is just REALLY cold. I hate wearing toboggans because I have thick hair and my ponytail is too short to hang out on my neck. I found Athleta's Polartec Beanie Visor that has a hole in the back for ponytails. I know there are toboggans that have ponytail holes too, but I liked the added visor on this one.

I recently tried some audio Treadmill Express workouts from Motion Traxx through an offer for FitFluential Ambassadors. For someone like me who doesn't like to run on the treadmill, these workouts make all the difference. I like knowing that I'm getting a good workout instead of just aimlessly running.

Speaking of FitFluential, have you joined yet? I joined in 2011 (before applying to become an ambassador) because they offered a network of fitness enthusiasts who were dedicated to motivating and inspiring others. Pretty soon, I was also enjoying perks like discounts on fitness gear, invites to Twitter chats, and opportunities to win free stuff in giveaways.

This year, FitFluential wants to hit the road and bring the events to US! The more people you get to sign up from your area, the more likely you are to be visited by FitFluential. Spread the word!

One of my all time favorite races is the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon. The ladies behind ZOOMA really know how to put on a great event in a fantastic locations. Runner's World Magazine has called it one of the best half marathon's in the US and recently Competitor Magazine ranked the Texas Half Marathon as "Best Women's Half" in the South.

Right now ZOOMA is looking to send a blogger and one lucky reader to run the ZOOMA Napa Half Marathon in June. I would love to add California to my list of places I have run a race, wouldn't you? All you need to do is VOTE! Everyday!

As usual I'm spending most of my non-running hours wearing these awesome recovery shoes around the house. I'm bringing them back today because Oofos wants YOU to have a pair to enjoy and has asked me to do another giveaway! Enter using the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
