Showing posts with label GirlsGoneSporty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GirlsGoneSporty. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday Sweat: Wake-up Workout

This morning I got up too early, but I guess that's what I get for going to bed at 8:30 last night.

Weekend plans kept me from my favorite Saturday morning activity, SurfSet, so I put together my own workout session in the basement.

All of the mini-workouts are Tabata or HIIT (my favorite) and I use my GymBoss interval timer to keep track of the rounds.

If you are interested, I posted about the ab workout here and the jump rope workout here.

Fire the Glutes was a mix of moves that have been recommended to me by Dr. Bri and other runners over the years. I did two rounds of a 20/5 Tabata set.

The 30-ish minute workout was a great wake-up workout that got my heart pumping.

The cool down was a nice 5 minute stretch session.

I'm still waiting out my TFL injury and soon will be recovering from my meniscus repair. In the meantime, I hope to use workouts like these to get in some cardio and strength. Otherwise, I think I would go crazy!

How do you sweat it out on busy Saturdays?
Do you have a wake-up workout? Leave a link so I can check it out!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Workout Wednesday: Feeling Pumped

First let me say that I am not a certified coach (yet) of any sort. This is just a fun way for me to share a workout/exercise that I found online or learned from someone else and really liked.

The idea for Workout Wednesday comes from Theresa at A Change of Pace. Check out her blog here. I loved the idea because I find great workouts and new exercises mostly from reading and seeing them in use by other active people.

I've been participating in the Under Armour #SweatADay challenge off and on for a few months now. Monday's challenge was a new one for me and really spoke to my buttisimo!

Jumping Side Lunges:

Here's the How-to from Shauna's Instagram post:
"Side lunges...with a lateral hop. Mmm hmm yes. #takeitside indeed. 
1 - Start in a side lunge. Bend your right knee and sit your butt back, knee doesn't go passed your toes and heel stays down. Left leg will be straight. Toes are all facing straight ahead. Bring your hands down to the ground. This will assure you keep your butt low!
2 - Hop up and to the left landing in a side lunge on the other side -- left knee bent, right leg straight. 
3 - Repeat side to side. I find it hard to get a ton of air when jumping from this position but you will absolutely feel it! 
Be cautious of how you land. Absorb the landing with knees bent but then straighten out the other leg so it's a true side lunge." 
I did this exercise for one minute and couldn't believe how much I felt it. In fact, at first I thought I might have pulled something because I was feeling tightness in my glutes that I haven't felt in a long time. 

That tightness told me that I was working my muscles in a good way. The slight soreness I felt the next day was even more confirmation. 

What workout or exercise has you feeling "pumped" lately?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Training Truths: The Cortisone Fix

Since February I have been trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with my knee! After a knee cap adjustment, the pain went away but it has remained CRUNCHY.

Last week I finally heard the answer...patellofemoral arthritis. I knew this day was coming, after-all I have had two major knee surgeries. I just thought it would come later, much later.

Fortunately, the treatment plan seems to be working and I have been able to run and do almost all of my workouts pain free.

Monday - strength for runners workout

Tuesday - Visited the sports medicine doctor and learned through a series of X-rays that the crunchies in my knee are caused by patellofemoral arthritis. First step in the treatment plan was a ultrasound guided cortisone shot followed by 48 hours of rest.

Wednesday - Joined the FitFluential April plank challenge. Have you heard about the new plank form? According to this post on PopSugar, it seems that planking with your palms up will engage the core better and improve posture.

Thursday - My knee was feeling ok and with the beautiful spring weather tempting me, I laced up for an easy 5K to beach and back. My first post-cortisone run felt good. Still clicking & clacking, but better movement probably because the cortisone attacked the inflammation inside. Post-run planking with my buddy.

Friday - planks

Saturday - Planks before SurfSet class - where we did a ton more on the boards! For the third week in a row we stayed downtown to do our long run. It did not warm up as much as I hoped, but 50 minutes of sweating through urban surfing was an excellent warmup and the sun did eventually come out to warm our legs. Other than some uncomfortable downhills, my knee remained happy through both of these workouts.

Sunday - Planks and then I met up with Katherine for a morning Booty Barre class. It was much more crowded than the last time I was there (January) and in a new (somewhat) smaller space, but it was still a killer workout...seriously, it is really hard! I like this class because it's a good mix of old moves that you recognize and new moves that keep you interested. It's also awesome that there is a class on Sunday mornings!

Did you find any ANSWERS last week?

Friday, April 4, 2014

5 New Fitness Finds

Last month I was introduced to some awesome new fitness finds. Here is a brief overview of my favorites:

Smash Run -

This website was referred to me by the Assistant Principal at my school. Her 5 year old son is a fan. The site basically keeps stats for runners. It's simple to log your runs. I use Nike+ and it's hassle-free. You earn badges (great motivation) for various accomplishments. You can see how you compare to others - including friends who also use it. It gives you detailed feedback about your stats. Oh yea - it's free. If you like stats, but aren't into the chat stuff (like DailyMile) this might be the way to go.

Athleta Record Time Run shorts -

After wearing another brand for years, but craving a less baggy feel, these shorts have everything I want with less material without having to compromise on fit by down-sizing. They have all my favorite features...lightweight material, zipper pocket, and 2.5 inch inseam. The wrap-around seams add a flattering look.

Athleta - All Align Short -

I don't have many spandex-y type shorts for running, but have found that they are super comfortable during SurfSet and other strength/cross training classes. These are a little shorter (2.5 inch inseam) than other pairs that I wear, but they keep everything covered up and stay put. They're on sale for $19.99 and also come in purple and teal.

Under Armour Marbella Sunglasses -

It's hard for me to find a good pair of sunglasses that I can wear while I'm running. About half way through a run, they'll steam up making it difficult to see. I have tried several pair and so far only these that Under Armour sent me to try have worked. The fit feels good on my face and they don't make me feel hotter than I already am from running.

Albion Fit Go Long Crew

I love fitness gear that can transition to casual wear without looking like I just came from a workout. This long sleeve crew top, that I received from Albion Fit, is super soft and long-waisted just the way I like them. It's a perfect Spring choice. It comes in a variety of colors and I have a giveaway {here} happening until Sunday April 6. You can also receive 15% off your purchase with my discount code: escapade15

What fit gear have you discovered lately??

Disclaimer: I mentioned that I received some product for review purposes, but all opinions are my own.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Update: Run, Run, Run

It's amazing how fast time passes at times. Does that mean I've been having fun?? I think so!

March was a fun month of workouts. I focused on strength and tried a new fitness class. Last week wasn't the most productive week of the month, but it ended on a strong note.

Monday - strength exercises for runners. I'm really liking this routine.

Tuesday - Last minute faculty meeting before rushing home to meet the cable guys meant another active rest day. More strength exercises.

Wednesday - Monthly chiropractor visit with another knee cap adjustment. Managed a 30 minute TM run. My knee was a little tender during and after the run.

Thursday - REST day - my knee was still hurting a little so I iced a few times.

Friday - Easy 5K on the treadmill followed by some strength exercises.

Saturday - SurfSet Saturday and then a 6 mile run downtown. Loving the double workouts!

Sunday - strength workout

This month I enjoyed playing along with the Instagram challenges from ZOOMA and Happy Fit Mama. I joined the FitFluential #FFMarchMiles challenge and logged 55.3 of the 100 mile goal. I knew it was an ambitious goal with all my kneecap problems, but I couldn't resist.

What was your best March moment?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: New Perspectives

In the classroom, I talk to my students about perspectives a lot. It's a prominent theme in several books we read throughout the year and it encourages them to look beyond the surface to consider points that they hadn't thought of before.

I've also talked about perspectives in fitness. What might be easy for some is hard for others. An injury makes you reflect on your goals. You get the idea.

This year I wanted to continue to broaden my perspective, so I set a goal to try more new activities.

On Sunday I joined the Blog & Tweet NH group at New Perspectives Pole and Aerial in Manchester to try the new fitness trend for first time: Pole Fitness

Pole Fitness combines dance and acrobatic moves to create a fun workout that builds strength and flexibility. It involves moves such as spins, climbs, slides, and inversions.

The owner and our instructor Juel is a retired gymnast and certified strength and conditioning coach. In addition to instructing, she also competes professionally!

After some floor warm-ups, our Intro to Pole class started to get up close and personal with the POLE.

Even though Juel did an outstanding job showing us how to do the individual beginner moves, it was the toughest thing I've ever tried. I've never been known for my upper body strength, but it was obvious that the rest of my body is lacking power also.

When I signed up to attend this event, I was expecting to feel awkward during the dance-like portions, but I was ready to push myself out of my comfort zone. I was ready for it to be hard, but willing to try.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though I'm not the strongest girl, I was still able to do most of the moves. It was also a relief to feel a sense of encouragement from the instructor and the other ladies in the class.

I don't know when I will be back for more Pole Fitness, but I will be back!

If you're thinking about checking out Pole Fitness, follow New Perspectives on Facebook for information about the upcoming Open House.

Have you tried Pole Fitness? 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Training Truths: March Madness

Happy Monday! Last week felt a little bit like March Madness! It was so busy that I didn't even have a chance to write a blog post since my last #TrainingTruths, but I am happy to say that I still found time to workout! My strength workouts took a back burner at the beginning of the week, but I managed FOUR runs and TWO fitness classes over the weekend.

Monday - Unavoidable REST day. There just wasn't time for a workout between school, making dinner, and watching my former student earn runner-up status at the Poetry Out Loud NH High School State Finals at the State House in Concord.

Tuesday - Ran a 5K to the beach and back with mrC and youngestC. One look at us, and I'm sure you can tell we are a family!

Wednesday - Another inescapable REST day. Met up with youngestC after a faculty meeting, went shopping for tennis gear for her, and then joined mrC and oldestC for dinner at the British Beer Company - where they have an awesome GF menu!

Thursday - We woke up to about 4 new inches of snow, but the temperatures warmed up through the day melting most of it by the time I got home from school. It wasn't warm enough for the troops to venture out with me though, so I faced the windy 3.4 route solo.

Friday - After learning about the 16 year old who died after running her first half marathon, I wanted to run in her memory. I did a little strength workout as a warmup and then ran a 5K on the treadmill.

Saturday - It was a double workout day with mrC. We warmed up with an hour of SurfSet and then hit the downtown streets for a 5 miler, oops I missed a turn, 6.3 mile run. (#FFMarchMiles = 49.85)

Sunday - I met up with the gang from Blog & Tweet NH to try out a new fitness class. Full review coming soon!

How are you surviving March Madness?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Training Truths: YoYo Days

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I am hoping that the leprechauns will be bringing the warmer weather to NH, because I'm really tired of having to layer up on outdoor runs especially after the tease Mother Nature gave us last week!

Monday - Sports massage - ahhh! It's not a pain-free experience, but she finds and works out those knots.

Tuesday - I spent the day at a Teacher's Workshop and couldn't wait to get home to put on my running SHORTS! It was a gorgeous (almost Spring-like) day. 3.45 mile run

Wednesday - A little evening yoga.

Thursday - Wintery weather returned, so I hit the treadmill after school. 3.23 miles

Friday - REST (except step back sliders for one minute). Body must have needed a day off because I took a 2 hour nap after school, fell asleep watching TV after dinner, and then slept until 7 AM (which I hardly ever do!).

Saturday - I started the day at SurfSet with mrC and then planned on doing an afternoon run outside because it was another gorgeous 50 degree day. However, Mother Nature had other plans and (literally) rained on our parade. So, I ran 30 minutes on the treadmill instead.

Photo from TI Fitness Facebook Page

Sunday -  Bundled up for a 4 mile cold, but sunny, afternoon run with mrC. I love when he tells me that he is having fun! (33.95 #ffmarchmiles)

Throughout the week I also squeezed in this strength workout that I found on Runkeeper's website. I did 20 repetitions of each exercise using x3 cycles.

How was your week? Are you enjoying warmer weather already?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WIAW: Getting Irish

As an English teacher by day, I love themes. It's no surprise that I would apply them to other aspects of my life including my fitness. For St. Patrick's Day I thought I'd look for ways to bring some Irish into my diet and workoutsI am not Irish by blood, so I started my food and fitness research on the internet - (full disclosure I asked mrC first, but he was not helpful). 

Honestly, I found A LOT of Irish food that I would never eat or won't eat now that I'm GF: Brussel sprouts, corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, lamb stew, shepherd's pie...did I mention that I'm a picky eater?

In the end, I think I'll stick to just having something spinach in my smoothie!

Mixed berry, spinach, yogurt, almond milk, and protein smoothie

Putting together an Irish workout was much easier. For this one, I thought I would focus on leg strength since that is where I am right now.

Each exercise can be done as an interval. I chose 30 seconds on for each with 5 seconds rest and repeated 3 times.

What is your favorite way to "be" Irish with food or fitness?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Training Truths: Marching toward 100

For the first week of March, I kept my focus on taking care of my knee and enjoyed racking up some miles for the #FFMarchMiles challenge with short 30 minute runs and working walks. I am motivated by challenges and data, but I am hoping to NOT over-do it just to hit 100 miles in March. I know I can't do it with running only, so I'm hoping the walking will keep me level-headed. I'm the type of runner that will keep going to hit the full mile mark and not end up with a .95 run!

On Wednesday, +Mizuno Running  launched their new #IfEverybodyRan campaign asking the question, What would happen if everybody ran?  Since I run because it makes me happy (see photo evidence in this post), it's no surprise that this is my favorite stat:

Monday - ran 3.1 miles on TM

Tuesday - walked 2 miles on TM

Wednesday - After having issues with my Nike Sportwatch on Monday and again on Wednesday, I ran 3.4 miles on the TM. I might have taken out my Nike Sportwatch frustrations on my pace.

FitSnap app!

Thursday - REST

Friday - REST

Saturday - ran 3.1 miles with mrC outside because IT. WAS. GORGEOUS! (And, after phone calls and Tweets with +Nike my Sportwatch is back in action. Great customer service!)

Sunday - walked 3.1 miles on the TM and blogged thanks to my handy-dandy treadmill desk (19.83 #FFMarchMiles total)

I also had fun with the first week of the ZOOMA #ZOOMAphotoaday challenge. My favorite day was #8, shadow. I love my retired running buddy always following me around when I put on my running shoes, but I absolutely LOVED the sunny weather more!

What kind of runner are you? What do you think would happen if everybody ran?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Half at the Hamptons 2014

I love half marathons. And to be honest, I want my family to love half marathons, too. When mrC agrees to run them with me, I'm happy. After my oldest step daughter ran her first half marathon last November, she was eager to run another so I cheerfully signed us up for Half at the Hamptons, my third race in the #14in2014 challenge.

I ran this race in 2012 and loved it. The course is flat and a large portion has scenic ocean views.

This was supposed to be my comeback race. When I signed up, I was rebuilding my mileage after battling a hamstring issue that had lasted months longer than I ever imagined. I picked this race because I had time to train and the course would be leg friendly, aka flat.

What I didn't count on was that my hamstring issue would persist and manifest into a tight ITB and then a cranky knee!

Despite my pitiful training, I managed to get myself to the starting line. I knew there was a possibility that I might see my first DNF and I was ok with that. My step daughter and I made a plan to walk for 1 minute every two miles and hopefully we would make it. Her busy college schedule resulted in less-than-stellar training also.

It wasn't sunny, but the wacky New England weather did cooperate. The rain held off and we had 40+ degrees with just light winds.

The first 4 miles seemed to fly by. It helped that we ran past our cheer section twice. The crowd support along the boardwalk was amazing. By far the loudest and most enthusiastic was the Stonyfield van.

After walking at mile 4, we were feeling pretty good, so we decided to walk every third mile. I grabbed water from the stations along the way to rinse out my mouth. Sometime around mile 6 my stomach started growling so I accepted some GU to supplement the Cytomax I brought in my Simple Hydration bottle.

I was still smiling at mile 10, but my legs were starting to tighten up. My longest training run had been a 10 miler three weeks earlier.

Just after passing mile 11, I needed to walk and stretch my tightening legs. My step daughter was anxious to get to the finish, so I urged her to keep going. It was a long final two miles to the finish, and even seeing mrC at mile 13 couldn't energize my legs. The last three weeks of non-running to care for my cranky knee caught up to me.

I was so happy to make it to the finish line so I could stop running. It wasn't the finish I had planned on when I signed up, but I did finish and I'm happy with that.

Finish time: 2:20:29

I'm glad I ran Half at the Hamptons again. There are lots of reasons to like this race besides the easy course and great views.

  • Several (5 total) water stops with Gatorade and GU 
  • Friendly volunteers along the course & cheerful spectators
  • Tons of bathrooms available at the bath houses along the course and at bib pickup
  • Plenty of free parking (more if there aren't 12 foot snow banks!)
  • Runners get a simple long sleeve race tee - it's cozy and perfect for lounging around
  • The race medal - I love the seashell shape
  • FREE race pictures courtesy of Delta Dental

Have you ever had a "bad" race, but felt happy about it anyway?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

5 Ways To Fit in Fitness

Life can be crazy busy. Some days it really feels like I don't get a break until I go to bed.

Here's a typical day for me:

5:30 - 7:05  Wake up. Shower. Feed the dog. Unload the dishwasher. Grab a cup of coffee, make something for breakfast, listen to the news, while Facebook and blog reading. Pack my lunch and make a smoothie to go.

7:30 - 2:41  Teach all day.

2:45 - 3:45  Meeting after school.

4:15  Get the mail. Unload my bags and check dinner ingredients.

4:30 - 5:00  Change clothes and go for a 3 mile run.

5:00 - 6:30  Prep, cook, and eat dinner with the girls. I made this yummy Mini Mexican Meatloaves recipe inspired by a post from Allison at Life's A Bowl. It was so easy and so delicious! I find lots of great recipes at the WIAW linkup.

Mini Mexican Meatloaves

6:30 - 7:45  Let the kids clean up while I shower and blow dry my hair.

8:00  Finally unwind and watch a little TV before going to bed.

It can be hard to find time to workout, but I know I will be healthier and happier if I do. Here are some tips that I try to follow that make finding time to exercise on busy days easier.

1. Make a plan: Schedule your workouts like you would your dental or doctor appointments. This makes it a priority and one you will be less likely to skip.

2. Active media time: You don't have to give up your TV time to workout. Watch your favorite shows or movies while you are running or walking on the treadmill. Build your own treadmill desk and work while you walk. Move the coffee table and do some squats or sit-ups during commercials.

3. Exercise at work: Squeeze in a quick workout on your lunch break, sit on a balance ball to work your core, take the stairs...There are tons of ways to

4. Wake up earlier: Set your alarm to wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal. It might not be the easiest option, but it beats NOT getting in your workout.

5. Go on a fitness date: You know what they say, couples who sweat together… Instead of dinner and a movie, take a hike and have a picnic, go to the beach and play sand volleyball, or take a bike ride around town and stop for lunch.

How do you fit in fitness?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Training Truths: Closing the door on February

February did not turn out the way I expected. Instead of finishing my half marathon training strong, I found myself dealing with a tight ITB and a crooked knee cap!

At the beginning of the month I started the #FFburpee challenge sponsored by FitFluential, but my cranky knee prevented me from being able to finish. I was hoping to develop a love for burpees, instead I settled for having made it to the halfway mark of the 1000 burpees goal.

During the month I kept myself busy with the three week #MNBchallenge sponsored by Lorna Jane and Fit Approach that focused on how to move, nourish, and believe everyday. I loved this challenge!

I did cross a goal off my 2014 list though. I ran my first new race of the year in Newport and followed up with my 11th half marathon (recap coming soon).

While on vacation in Florida at the end of the month, I learned that I will be returning to the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon in the fall as an Ambassador!

After much TLC on my cranky knee, I did get in two nice 5Ks last week. On Thursday morning mrC and I enjoyed a leisurely trail run wearing shorts! My knee felt pretty good and the new patellar band that my chiropractor recommended felt better than the KT tape and less bulky than mrC's brace.

After running errands back at home in NH on Saturday afternoon, we enjoyed another easy 5K to the beach and back. It was the best my knee has felt, so I'm hopeful that I am fully on the mend.

mrC had to go on a three day trip, so it was just me to take the dog for a walk on Sunday. We took a two mile round trip to the waterfall and back.

I am happy to be closing the door on the month of February. Looking ahead to March, I am once again involved in a couple of challenges. Angela is hosting the #HappyFitMarch challenge on Instagram and Twitter. FitFluential is sponsoring the #FFMarchMiles challenging participants to run, walk, or hike 100 miles. ZOOMA is hosting the #ZOOMAphotoaday challenge.

What are you looking forward to in March?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fitness Friday: Florida Favorites


Well, maybe. I've spent the week in Florida, but today we are headed back to the frozen land. Boo!

It's been a great week of active resting, so today I'm sharing some of my Florida favorite fitness moments.

1. Taking walks in shorts and flip flops - I've missed the warmth and the green.

2. Open swim and lounging by the pool - it felt so good to relax in the sun.

3. Laps at the fitness center - this was a great little workout.

4. 5K on the trail - it felt good to lace up my Mizunos.

What was your favorite fitness moment this week?
