Sunday, September 11, 2016

Shred Day 27 & 28: Biggest Wins

This week the 30 Day Shred Program really kicked things up a notch and I loved it! We had a week of doubles: two feast day strength training workouts, two low carb sprint workouts, and two fast days. It was intense, so I thought I would share my biggest wins from the last two days.

Day 27 - Fast

This was the SECOND fast day of the week and I am not a fan. I have a really hard time reaching my feast day goals (higher carbs and calories) and that sets me up for a struggle on fast days. 
MY BIG WIN: I did better this time and did not over eat when I broke my fast. 

I also kept my activity to a minimum and only went for a morning walk with mrC before he went to work. It wasn't that hard to lay low because my muscles were seriously sore from the feast day workout the day before. I spent most of the day reading, blogging, and watching some TV.


Day 28: Regular Calorie

The workout for the day was an interval run ---> 1 minute run, 1 minute walk, 2 minute run, 2 minute walk, up to 7 minutes. I set my Gymboss interval timer for what works for me and my knee: 25 intervals at 35 seconds run, 30 seconds walk. 

My legs were still sore, especially my left quad, so I again found myself feeling anxious about how the run would go. I spent a little time massaging my quad and doing some dynamic stretching before my run and that made me feel better. 

MY BIG WIN: It was my longest (time and distance) run so far and it felt really good! Side note: I hadn't used my Nike+ running app in months until last week and I'm loving the updates! 

Fun tidbit from my run: The weather was awesome! It was only 63 degrees and super windy. Normally runners don't like those headwinds, but since I run pretty slowly I can enjoy it ;) 

It takes A LOT of wind to blow my super thick hair!

Win or lose (they won today!), I will always be happy when I can watch a Bengals game. I'm hoping to see a few more before our return to China.


Today and everyday, God Bless America.

What is your Biggest Win this week?
Do you use the Nike+ running app?


  1. Sounds like a great week!!! I am so excited for you that your running is feeling good!!! Keep working it!!

    1. Thanks Nancy! It comes and goes, but I'll take what I can get!


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